Research & Development
Founded as a spin-off of the University of Cagliari, Flosslab has always believed and invested in research and development so that it can bring the latest technologies to market and provide customers with cutting-edge products and services.

Flosslab’s innovation plan
Flosslab has devised an innovation plan to support its specialised services. The plan spans both production processes and the formulation of value propositions. The plan complements Flosslab’s comprehensive marketing plan, which was the focus of one of the services that were identified by Flosslab during the presentation phase and subsequently approved by Sardegna Ricerche.

This project seeks to strengthen the trust between consumers and the agro-food chain, supporting high-quality agricultural work in the hope of providing citizens with food that is safe to eat using Blockchain technology.

The project’s objectives: To create the world’s first platform for analysing the intrinsic security of smart contracts and monitoring and analysing all data traceable to tokens registered in the leading blockchains. The platform promptly reports any vulnerabilities or anomalies detected during cryptocurrency transactions.